Saturday, March 29, 2008

Soni's Cancer Prognosis

We met with Dr. Graydon Harker, the oncologist, whom we both like on Friday 3/28/08. He is very detailed (he even admits to being a bit obsessive compulsive sometimes), thorough, patient, relates well to patients, and has a sense of humor. He drew us some very detailed pictures and explanations on both side of a sheet of paper. He said we have the best insurance with Medicare and TriCare for Life. He took the time to set us up with the numerous appointments needed to start the treatment. We will be able to receive most of the treatments and tests at the Cancer Center where Dr. Harker's office is located and at St. Mark Hospital just up the street from his office.

It is diagnosed with non-hodgkin lymphoma which is treatable. There are several test to complete this next week and we will start chemo on April 11th. There will be 6 - 8 cycles of chemo of 3 weeks each.

Updates will follow as needed.

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