Saturday, April 12, 2008

Soni awoke this morning feeling GREAT! She said it was a good night of sleep due to her back not hurting at all for a change. She says she "can just feel those little PacMan things eating away the cancer cells". She even says she feels like the tumors are shrinking already!

For breakfast he wanted to go out and eat at one of her favorite restaurants (Finn's) again while her tongue could still enjoy food. She has been told that her tongue will rebel and soon food will not taste good. I had that problem back in 1986 after my accident and it lasted about 12-18 months. But her taste buds should return to full funtioning when the chem ends.
Her mouth was starting to become a bit sore at noon today but she started on the Rx they gave her for that problem. And she is tired this afternoon, but I don't know if it is her usual tiredness or if it is the chemo starting to catch up to her.

She had originally thought she would not feel like attending church on Sunday, but now says if she still feels this good tomorrow, she may try to go to the first meeting which is Sacrament in our Mission Ward. We will see how the morning greets her.

1 comment:

brooks68 said...

Hope that you have a great day! We are thinking about you both.